Soll der Mailserver gewechselt werden, von einem Anbieter zu einem anderen Anbieter, ohne eine Mail zu verlieren, dann ist eine gute Planung notwendig. Diese möchte ich hier am Beispiel beschreiben.
Continue reading “Mailumzug ohne Mailverlust”Tag: linux
Best practice for large encrypted volume
Having many encrypted disks in a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) or vice versa many disks which are encrypted later by Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)?
Continue reading “Best practice for large encrypted volume”
Pass through disks into ESXi VM
With Raw Device Mapping (RDM) it is possible to add a disk directly into a VM, without using the Datastore of VMware ESXi.
Continue reading “Pass through disks into ESXi VM”
Migrate Google Authenticator App database
By default the Android Google Authenticator App does not provide a possibility to backup and restore the database, but this could be archived manually.
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Listen webradio with Raspberry Pi Debian Jessie
This is an update for the older post with Debian Wheezy on how to setup a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Debian Jessie in order listen webradio.
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Listen webradio with Raspberry Pi
A Raspberry Pi with Debian can be used without a monitor to listen to your favorite web radio station in a continuous operation.
Raspberry Pi as a Media Center with XBMC
The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer that plugs into a TV and in combination with OpenELEC it is a DIY Media Center running XBMC which plays videos up to 1080p.
Getting started with Arduino
Recently I discovered an interesting programming platform called Arduino, which is an complete open source hardware system. You only need the board and IDE. Combined with a USB cable one can start developing an electrical project programmed in C++.
Neuinstallation Ubuntu 11.04
Es gibt kaum einen Grund Ubuntu nachinstallieren zu müssen, außer man baut eine SSD-Festplatte in den Laptop ein. Aber der Reihe nach.
Puttykey in OpenSSH konvertieren
Nach dem Umstieg auf Ubuntu 10.10 vor kurzem habe ich eine Lösung gefunden, da mein mit PuTTYgen erzeugter Schlüssel unter Linux SSH nicht angenommen wurde.