Having many encrypted disks in a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) or vice versa many disks which are encrypted later by Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)?
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Tag: debian
Webradio with Raspbian Stretch
After updating a Raspberry Pi to Debian Stretch, I noticed that the older article with Jessie does not work anymore. It will be described how to listen to a webradio with Raspbian Stretch.
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Securing SSH access in Debian
By default Debian asks to set a strong root password. But this could be possible guessed by brute force. Here are some hints to secure your remote login.
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Listen webradio with Raspberry Pi Debian Jessie
This is an update for the older post with Debian Wheezy on how to setup a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Debian Jessie in order listen webradio.
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Listen webradio with Raspberry Pi
A Raspberry Pi with Debian can be used without a monitor to listen to your favorite web radio station in a continuous operation.
Install Redmine Backlogs on Debian
Redmine is a web-based project management tool which could be used with the Backlog plugin for software development with Scrum.
Raspberry Pi as a Media Center with XBMC
The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer that plugs into a TV and in combination with OpenELEC it is a DIY Media Center running XBMC which plays videos up to 1080p.
Installing nginx with PHP on Debian
By searching the web how to install nginx with PHP5 on Debian, one can find different tutorials, but many require a lot of manual work.
Neuinstallation Ubuntu 11.04
Es gibt kaum einen Grund Ubuntu nachinstallieren zu müssen, außer man baut eine SSD-Festplatte in den Laptop ein. Aber der Reihe nach.
Eine Woche mit Ubuntu 10.10
Vor einer Woche habe ich mir Ubuntu 10.10, welches auf Debian basiert, installiert und bin sehr zufrieden. Vieles funktioniert sofort nach der Installation, manches musste ich aber wie im folgenden beschrieben noch etwas konfigurieren.