Listen webradio with Raspberry Pi Debian Jessie

This is an update for the older post with Debian Wheezy on how to setup a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Debian Jessie in order listen webradio.

Getting Raspbian

Download Raspian Lite, extract the zip file and copy the image onto your microSD card using the linux command line:

sudo dd bs=4M if=2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
sudo sync

The Lite version is already very slim, so there is no need to remove unneeded packages later, i.e. a X11 server is not necessary for headless running.

Instructions for other operating systems are described at: Writing an image to the SD card.

Initial Setup

Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi, connect the Power and Ethernet cable. Raspian will get a IP through DHCP, so login into your Pi by SSH using the default user pi and password raspberry to make the base configuration and a system update:

sudo raspi-config
Now expand the filesystem, set a new password, run internationalization options, change the hostname in the advanced settings and reboot.

After that install the latest updates:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Webradio Setup

Connect the Raspberry Pi using a 3.5 mm cable to your radio through the AUX input and install Mplayer:

sudo apt install mplayer2

To test your setup with you favorite webradio stream url. In my case sunshine live:


Useful mplayer commands:

9/0 -> lower/higher volume
q -> quit

Maximize alsa sound output:

amixer cset numid=1 -- 400

Run webradio at startup with Debian Jessie

The old /etc/inittab from wheezy does not work any more, because SysV is replaced by systemd as init system in jessie.

Create a new file i.e. /etc/systemd/system/mplayer2.service

Desription=mplayer with systemd respawn

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mplayer -nolirc -ao alsa -vo null -really-quiet


and activate it

sudo systemctl enable mplayer2.service

reboot or start it manually

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start mplayer2.service

Author: admirableadmin

Hello World! Ich bin Andreas Peichert und entwickle und programmiere Software seit 2000. Zurzeit arbeite ich als Senior Solution Architect.

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