After a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 and coping back my data, it started with some customization.
1. Install “missing” packages
With a “normal” installation of Ubuntu 20.04, I was faced with some “missing” packages I need to work. So installed them in the terminal:sudo apt install whois vim git curl
2. Terminal keys
For the Terminal I adjusted some shortcuts. I don’t know if they were intentionally changed from previous Ubuntu, or if I always have these values defined:
Last Tab → Shift+Left
Next Tab → Shift+Right
Move Tab Right → Shift+Ctrl+Right
Move Tab Left → Shift+Ctrl+Left
3. Move titlebar buttons to left
I like to have the minimize and close button on the left side. With the extra tool “Gnome Tweaks” this is very easy to manage. After installing and running it, the changes can be done in the “Windows” section.
4. Unity feeling
4.1: As fan of Unity, I like to have the “Show Applications” button on top. With the following command the button will move from the button to the top:gsettings set show-apps-at-top true
4.2: To minimize the opened programs on click to the icon, the following command will configure this behavior:gsettings set click-action 'minimize'
4.3: In the settings, below appearance the size of the navigation bar can be configured. I like “32” for the size of the icons with my display.
5. Backup
And finally don’t forget to setup the “Déjà Dup Backup Tool” to run automatically. It will remind you regularly to make a copy of your data. See below to configure it less than six month.
How can I set Déjà Dup to keep backups for less than six months?
6. Free up to 1 GB of RAM
6.1 Remove the graphical software installer “snap”, which runs permanently in the background even without being used:snap list
sudo snap remove snap-store
sudo snap remove gtk-common-themes
sudo snap remove gnome-3-34-1804
sudo snap remove core18
sudo snap remove snapd
snap list
sudo apt purge snapd
6.2: Disable the search indexer “tracker-miner-fs”, which runs permanently in the background:
Settings → Search → Search → turn oftracker reset --hard
for f in /etc/xdg/autostart/tracker*.desktop; do echo "Hidden=true" | sudo tee -a "$f"; done
Thank you!!1